About 3EGW Studio Ltd.

The firm was founded in the year 1992. Its original content were electrical engineering projects without voltage limiting, including lightning conductors. In years 2001 - 2009 its activity was interrupted, and became active again in 2009, already enriched with 3D visualization, web-design and graphic art. In April 2010 the firm transformed into a limited , company which is listed at the Commercial Court in Prague, division C, enclosure 166326. Since than we function as a taxable person..

The owner of the company has more than 30 years practice in the field of projecting electrical arrangements, largely HV and Extra HV (in inland and abroad), Small Hydroelectric Power Plants, Photovoltaic Power Plants, and over the last year and Solar Systems, Heat Pumps, Combined Heat and Power Units and more then 6 years practice in the area of 3D visualization.

Qualification in the field of electricity is after public notice 50/2000 Sb., § 6, 8, 10 (according to Czech Standards and Laws). To 3D visualization certificate firm Autodesk on work in program Autodesk Inventor.

We offer you following services:

  • Electrical projects without voltage limiting (LV, HV, Extra HV substations, lightning conductors)
  • Designing Photovoltaic Power Stations
  • Designing Solar Systems and Heat Pumps for preparation HSW (hot service water), interheating and warming-up swimming pools
  • Designing Combined Heat and Power Units
  • Designing Small Hydroelectric Power Plants
  • 3D visualization of utility and industrial articles and objects in Alibre Design programme
  • Web pages creation and presentation
  • Graphic work
  • At present we offer a free design work:
  • - House and industrial installation
  • - Energetic, metering, regulation, protections, small control systems for substations